Are You Sure You Want To Delete Twitter?

What's with all of the AI images? This week on the #5Things, we discuss Meta’s two new art projects aimed at highlighting creative opportunities of the Metaverse, TikTok’s growing security risks, the next Twitter, and more.The Things: TikTok's Growing National Security Risks What's the Next Twitter? Instagram to Show Professional Accounts if they've been Shadow-BannedMeta's New Art Project What's with all of the AI images lately? Sources: WSJ, The Verge, CNet, Social Media Today, AR NetHosts: Joey Scarillo, Stephanie Thuell, Daniel AvonTo subscribe to our newsletter, click HERE

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Each week Grey brings you five important things happening in the world of social and digital media.   This round table panel covers platform updates, creative inspiration, stories in the news, and more.   Powered by Grey, Famously effective since 1917