Clubhouse Clones

Wellness hubs, creator funds, and audio are all the rage with social networks and will you trust Facebook for dating? Your #5Things: TikTok Launched 'Wellness Hub'TikTok Added New Music-Triggered Visual Effects ToolsReddit Reportedly Developed its Own Audio Rooms FeaturePinterest Announced Creator FundFacebook Launched New Video Speed Dating AppSources: Social Media Today, Tech Crunch, ScreenRantHosts: Joey Scarillo, Beth Rolfs, and Amanda DavisEmail us: Podcasts@Grey.comCheck out our newsletter on LinkedIn! 

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Each week Grey brings you five important things happening in the world of social and digital media.   This round table panel covers platform updates, creative inspiration, stories in the news, and more.   Powered by Grey, Famously effective since 1917