The Next Evolution of Security Awareness

"Security Awareness" is a slippery topic for a lot of people. It's a well known phrase -- and, let's face it, it's a phrase that can be very misleading. In this episode, Perry sits down with Dr. Jessica Barker (author and co-CEO at Cygenta), Cassie Clark (Security Awareness Lead Engineer at Brex), John Scott (Head of Security Education at Bank of England), and Lance Spitzner (Director, SANS Institute: Founder, Honeynet Project) to discuss what is currently being done well and, more importantly, where it needs to grow over the next few years. Spoiler alert: it's all about managing human risk. Guests: Dr. Jessica Barker (LinkedIn) (Twitter) Cassie Clark (LinkedIn) (Twitter) John Scott (LinkedIn) (Twitter) Lance Spitzner (LinkedIn) (Twitter) Books and Resources: 8Li S1 E9: Security ABCs Part 1: Make Awareness Transformational 8Li S1 E10: Security ABCs Part 2: 8th Layer Insights and the Quest for Security Culture Cybersecurity ABCs: Delivering awareness, behaviours and culture change by Jessica Barker, Adrian Davis, Bruce Hallas, & Ciarán Mc Mahon A Data-Driven Computer Defense: A Way to Improve Any Computer Defense by Roger A. Grimes Security Awareness Program Builder: Practical guidelines for building your Information Security Awareness Program & prep guide for the Security Awareness and Culture Professional (SACP)™ by Mark Majewski People-Centric Security: Transforming Your Enterprise Security Culture by Lance Hayden Start with Why: How Great Leaders Inspire Everyone to Take Action by Simon Sinek (Amazon affiliate link) Transformational Security Awareness: What Neuroscientists, Storytellers, and Marketers Can Teach Us About Driving Secure Behaviors, by Perry Carpenter (Amazon affiliate link) The Security Culture Playbook: An Executive Guide To Reducing Risk and Developing Your Human Defense Layer by Perry Carpenter & Kai Roer (Amazon affiliate link) Production Credits: Music and Sound Effects by Blue Dot Sessions, Envato Elements, & Storyblocks. Artwork by Chris Machowski @ and Mia Rune @ 8th Layer Insights theme music composed and performed by Marcos Moscat @ Want to get in touch with Perry? Here's how: LinkedIn Twitter Instagram Email: hello [at] 8thLayerInsights [dot] com

Om Podcasten

Get ready for a deep dive into what cybersecurity professionals often refer to as the "8th Layer" of security: HUMANS. Welcome to 8th Layer Insights (8Li). This podcast is a multidisciplinary exploration into how the complexities of human nature affect security and risk. Author, security researcher, and behavior science enthusiast Perry Carpenter taps experts for their insights and illumination. Topics include cybersecurity, psychology, behavior science, communication, leadership, and more.