5: A Cast of Kings S2E05 – The Ghost of Harrenhal

A Cast of Kings is a podcast featuring recaps and reviews of each week’s episode of HBO’s Game of  Thrones. This week, Joanna and Dave discuss the second season’s fifth episode, The Ghost of Harrenhal. E-mail us and let us know what you thought of the episode, as well as of the podcast, at acastofkings@gmail.com. You can find every episode of the show at gameofthronespodcast.com (http://www.gameofthronespodcast.com/) . If you like the show, feel free to leave us a review on iTunes (https://itunes.apple.com/us/podcast/cast-kings-game-thrones-podcast/id515836681) ! Download (https://traffic.libsyn.com/slashfilmcast/acastofkingss3e05.mp3)  here. 

Om Podcasten

Decoding TV Presents A Cast of Kings: A quasi-weekly discussion of the plots, themes and highlights of the HBO series "House of the Dragon." Your hosts Dave Chen (The Filmcast and The Tobolowsky Files) and Kim Renfro (entertainment reporter at Insider, author of The Unofficial Guide to Game of Thrones) will dish up both praise and criticism and will try not to sound too pompous if the book was better. Questions, comments, oaths of fealty? Email acastofkings@gmail.com