Why You Should Compose Every Day

This episode looks at numerous examples of folks who have composed daily, or taken up other creative habits on a daily basis. The aim is to convince you of the necessity of composing daily, in order to truly have 'skin in the game'. To join the list, for future updates on my upcoming Composing Course, CLICK HERE. Book mentioned: James Clear - Atomic Habits 

Om Podcasten

Composing music can be incredibly fulfilling. In this show we explore techniques, tools, ideas, and the art of composing. We'll consider both traditional and more modern styles of composing, from the concert hall to film and TV. Each episode will focus on an idea, technique, principle, or a great piece of music which we can learn from. The aim is for every episode to give you practical, actionable advice which you can use in your own music, and which will help you to grow as a composer.