#36 From Scared to Empowered With One Simple Tool

In this episode, I talk about a time when I was scared. I'm not talking about being afraid of heights or being terrified by a horror movie. I’m referring to how a new and exciting business opportunity led to knots in my stomach. How my loud inner chatter was there knocking my confidence and making me feel apprehensive about stepping out of my comfort zone. I want to tell you how I turned this limiting feeling around and kept my courage through it. Maybe it will inspire you to do the same when faced with new opportunities in life.Thank you so much for listening! If you have enjoyed this podcast and would like to lift my guests higher it would be so great if you could rate and review it in order for it to reach more people.If you want to connect with me please find me on LinkedIn, Facebook and Instagram and please subscribe to my Tribe Mary B’s Monday Motivational Mail full of inspiration and Homefun activities for you to grow too.www.marybarrett.global

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Hi, I’m Mary B, and I have been in the exciting field of the mind, body, and spirit for over three decades, and I know that there is a formula for success in every part of your life; it's called Empowering Mind Mastery. Listen to my fun, unscripted conversations with my ‘ordinary’ guests who are achieving extraordinary things with their one and only life by utilising the resources of resilience, courage, and passion. Plus some Mary B bonus download sessions jam-packed with practical life changing tools and advice. Permission granted to take some time for yourself to enjoy a warm cup of wisdom, stirred with positivity, to allow you to have a deeper understanding of the power of your own mind. Mine's a Jasmine Rose tea; what’s yours?