A Cup of Tea with Mary B and Dr Tim Errington: Episode #4

Join me and Dr Tim Errington for a cup of tea and hear about his life/career history where he has demonstrated it's never too late to change your vision in life. Dr Tim has had such an interesting life so far; he has worked in a department store, as a...

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Hi, I’m Mary B, and I have been in the exciting field of the mind, body, and spirit for over three decades, and I know that there is a formula for success in every part of your life; it's called Empowering Mind Mastery. Listen to my fun, unscripted conversations with my ‘ordinary’ guests who are achieving extraordinary things with their one and only life by utilising the resources of resilience, courage, and passion. Plus some Mary B bonus download sessions jam-packed with practical life changing tools and advice. Permission granted to take some time for yourself to enjoy a warm cup of wisdom, stirred with positivity, to allow you to have a deeper understanding of the power of your own mind. Mine's a Jasmine Rose tea; what’s yours?