4. Roman Holiday

How does it feel when you’re all cooped up? You do your best, but it never quite seems enough. The people love you, but you're never... among them. All you want is a gelato and champagne, but your royal attendants just keep giving you morphine. You know… the usual. Do you sometimes wish you could just go on a holiday? Follow Kelly and Ryan down scooter-filled streets, past floating dance parties, and betwixt the love-stuck pair of Audrey Hepburn and Gregory Peck as we take a Roman Holiday. Next week’s episode: Sense and Sensibility #romanholiday

Om Podcasten

Ryan and Kelly are the The Rom Com Gents: a couple guys who want to convince the world that romance, comedy, and Hugh Grant is for everyone. Check out our Patreon at: www.patreon.com/romcomgents