Four Favorites with Mitchell Beaupre: Horny nerds in suits, Agnès Varda, David Lynch, ’80s cinema

Get the Letterboxd Show disease in you as film quiz queen, gritty essay king, Letterboxd Journal senior editor and Weekend Watchlist co-host Mitchell Beaupre joins hosts Gemma and Slim for a conversation about their favorite films: Martin Scorsese’s After Hours, David Lynch’s Blue Velvet, Francis Ford Coppola’s The Conversation and Agnès Varda’s Le Bonheur. Plus: missing the pre-Covid days of all-night wacky shenanigans, gritty New York films, life below 14th Street, the family viewing potential of Blue Velvet (hear us out), video-store nostalgia, dad films, men movies, the joys of pants-down noodling, The Slumber Party Massacre, and why Hot Tub Time Machine has a very, very special place in Mitchell’s heart and the rest of us are all going to Letterboxd jail. “This is a cocaine-free podcast.” Lists, Reviews and Links mentioned: The Letterboxd list of films mentioned; Steph’s Horny Nerd in a Suit’s Worst Night; Tommy’s Help! I Got Too Horny; Jamal’s In the last 30 minutes or so everything comes into focus. Reviews of After Hours by Amaya; Blue Velvet by Colin the dude; The Conversation by Slim and Mia; Le Bonheur by Jack, Raul, Kambole and theriverjordan. Acting Out Podcast, Mitchell’s Paste Magazine story on Dennis Hopper, Inside The Actors Studio—Dennis Hopper; The B-Side – Gene Hackman episode (with Mitchell Beaupre); Mitchell’s interview with Céline Sciamma; Jenni Olson’s Four Faves episode Credits: This episode was recorded in Auckland, Delaware and Pennsylvania, and edited by Slim. Facts by Jack. Booker: Linda Moulton. Transcript by Sophie Shin. Theme: ‘Vampiros Dancoteque’ by Moniker.

Om Podcasten

Podcasts about movies from the makers of Letterboxd, the social network for film lovers. Hosted by Gemma and Slim and Mitchell and Mia and Brian. Transcripts available.