Four Favorites with Patrick Willems: Wes Anderson, Evil Dead and a Fast shock

Video essayist and popular Letterboxd member Patrick H. Willems joins hosts Gemma and Slim to “Patrick Explains” his four Letterboxd favorites: Kiki’s Delivery Service, The Matrix, Evil Dead II, and Rushmore, and talk about why he devotes his time to demystifying the art of filmmaking, why he relates to a depressed thirteen-year-old witch, the life-changing energy of The Matrix, Sam Raimi’s extraordinary output, Bruce Campbell’s jaw-dropping jawline, and precocious Wes Anderson characters. Plus: Patrick fills us in on his accidental feature film and his Can’t Get Enough of Keanu Podcast, we get his shocked live reaction to the Fast X director news as it happens, and quickly recover with some deep dives into Josh Hartnett’s best work. Patrick has a bone to pick with High Fidelity, and Slim promises to finally watch the best action scene ever made—the train chase in The Wrong Trousers. Lists mentioned: Warm Hug Cinematic Universe; Movies where a person who isn’t a love interest enters someone’s life and makes it better; Sad Bastard and Loser Cinema; movies where the Romantic Moment™ features profound chasteness instead of making out Reviews mentioned: Patrick’s reviews of Hooper, The Batman, Rear Window, Sara Clement’s review of Kiki’s Delivery Service, Reviews of Evil Dead II by Griffin, Matt Lynch, Hunter’s review of Rushmore Credits: This episode was recorded in Auckland, New York and Pennsylvania, and edited by Slim. Facts by Jack. Booker: Linda Moulton. Transcript by Sophie Shin. Theme: ‘Vampiros Dancoteque’ by Moniker.

Om Podcasten

Podcasts about movies from the makers of Letterboxd, the social network for film lovers. Hosted by Gemma and Slim and Mitchell and Mia and Brian. Transcripts available.