Four Favorites with Paul Scheer: time traveling and ghostbusting with 1980s American men

Beware the ectoplasmic residue! Comedian, actor, podcaster and Letterboxd member Paul Scheer joins hosts Slim and Gemma to celebrate American men of the 1980s via his four Letterboxd favorites: Beverly Hills Cop; Ghostbusters; Back to the Future and Planes Trains and Automobiles. You can upgrade to Pro/Patron at 20% off the normal price using this special URL: Upgrade to Pro/Patron to get rid of ads, customize your streaming services, view a customized stats page just for your own account, and much more. That URL automatically adds our special discount code “mcfly” to get 20% off upgrading. You can also add that word manually into the Enter Code section on the bottom left of our Pro page if you want, no big deal. Plus: the curious psychology of choosing your four Letterboxd faves; what Paul has learned about movies from hosting the How Did This Get Made and Unspooled podcasts; Slim’s dream of owning Marty McFly’s truck; Gemma’s love for BH Cop’s Jenny; why Back to the Future II stacks up; our appreciation for Bronson Pinchot; what Ghostbusters can teach us about running a small business; Paul upgrades to Patron level live on the show (without even using our limited-time discount offer—see details above); and why won’t our damn kids love The Muppets as much as we do? Lists and links: The Letterboxd list of films mentioned; Todd’s Coffee & Donuts: A Beginner’s Guide To Buddy Cop Movies list; WraithApe’s Killer Synth Scores, TheRiverJordan’s Sweaty Dudes Cinema, LinusMxx’s SPOILER ALERT, BITCH!, Paul Scheer’s The Best 3rd Ones, Coffee’s i’m 16 and this is the greatest movie ever made list, and Andre de Nervaux’s Posters where actors are covering up their unfortunate boners; Gemma’s interview with Dean Fleischer-Camp Reviews: Beverly Hills Cop by theriverjordan, Ghostbusters by Patrick Willems and Matt Singer, RRR by Paul Scheer. Credits: This episode was recorded in Auckland, Los Angeles and Pennsylvania, and edited by Slim. Facts by Jack. Booker: Brian Formo. Transcript by Sophie Shin. Theme: ‘Vampiros Dancoteque’ by Moniker.

Om Podcasten

Podcasts about movies from the makers of Letterboxd, the social network for film lovers. Hosted by Gemma and Slim and Mitchell and Mia and Brian. Transcripts available.