Weekend Watchlist: Armageddon Time, Wendell & Wild and Holy Spider

This week Mia and slim discuss their growing watchlists including Armageddon Time, Wendell & Wild, and Holy Spider. Succ-heads and The Last of Us fans, this might be the episode for you. After a quick look back at recent releases and community reviews, they shuffle their watchlists and discuss tragic real-life stories and sensual vampiric kisses. Weekend Watchlist – Updated Weekly list > movies mentioned in this episode. Letterboxd reviews and links mentioned: Transcripts of podcast episodes available Tony, Oliver, and Nathan’s Armageddon Time reviews David and Kristina’s Wendell & Wild reviews Jack and Afra’s Holy Spider reviews Kev’s Vampire’s Kiss review Freya’s Banshees of Inisherin review theriverjordan’s Aftersun review Austin’s Climax review Jeff Kycek’s His House review Bryce X Chapman’s The Witches of Eastwick review Jack’s Top 50 of 2022 list Credits: This episode was recorded in Philadelphia and LA, and edited by Slim. Facts by Jack. Transcript by Sophie Shin. Theme: ‘IZON’ by Trent Walton.

Om Podcasten

Podcasts about movies from the makers of Letterboxd, the social network for film lovers. Hosted by Gemma and Slim and Mitchell and Mia and Brian. Transcripts available.