Weekend Watchlist: Renfield, The Pope’s Exorcist and Suzume

This week ⁠⁠Slim and ⁠Mitchell⁠ discuss their growing watchlists including Renfield, The Pope’s Exorcist and Suzume. (Maybe Mafia Mamma, too.) Mitchell also finally watched 65 and their thoughts may shock you. After a quick ⁠⁠look back at recent releases⁠⁠ and community reviews they discuss their watchlists and creepy Kiefer Sutherland. ⁠⁠Weekend Watchlist – Updated Weekly list⁠⁠ > movies mentioned in this episode. Chapters: Opening credits (00:00:00) Renfield (00:02:33) The Pope’s Exorcist (00:05:15) Suzume (00:10:13) Mafia Mamma (00:12:59) Last week (00:15:22) Top 50 of 2023 (00:21:46) Watchlists (00:23:06) Letterboxd reviews and links mentioned: ⁠Transcripts⁠ of podcast episodes available Jack Facts’ ⁠Top 50 of 2023⁠ ⁠monkeyphartz & peterafro & Kate Mancini’s Mafia Mama reviews MacReady’s Big Hat & Brittani Tuttle’s Renfield reviews BERT’s The Pope’s Exorcist review Booklyreads & George Carmi Suzume reviews Alexandria’s The Fog review Kayla’s Chef review Brian Ly’s Annihilation review Brenna’s Quiz Show review Kambole Campbell’s Journal article on Suzume Credits: This episode was recorded in Delaware and Philadelphia, and edited by Slim. Facts by ⁠Jack⁠. Transcript by ⁠Sophie Shin⁠. Theme: ‘⁠IZON’ by Trent Walton

Om Podcasten

Podcasts about movies from the makers of Letterboxd, the social network for film lovers. Hosted by Gemma and Slim and Mitchell and Mia and Brian. Transcripts available.