Speaking Way Up: Nikieta Lambert, Erika Cheung & Jessica Willis Fisher
This episode is sponsored by Better Help! Ready for another remix? This episode features highlights with some of the bravest women to grace our feed. From escaping childhood abuse and religious cults, these outspoken women did what was right in the moment, despite the immense pressure and abuse weighing down on them. Nikita Lambert spent 15 years climbing the ranks at the evangelical International Churches of Christ (ICOC) before she became an outspoken voice against the institution. At 22, Erika Cheung joined the ranks at Theranos, only to blow the whistle less than a year later, taking down a billion-dollar company and its web of lies. Finally, Jessica Fisher Willis rose to prominence with her talented family, but their picture-perfect image covered a culty history of abuse and assault. But, she found her voice, using it as a tool to break away from the damaging family structure that raised her. Also… let it be known that: The views and opinions expressed on A Little Bit Culty do not necessarily reflect the official policy or position of the podcast. Any content provided by our guests, bloggers, sponsors or authors are of their opinion and are not intended to malign any religion, group, club, organization, business individual, anyone or anything. Nobody’s mad at you, just don’t be a culty fuckwad. Check out our lovely sponsors Join ‘A Little Bit Culty’ on Patreon Get poppin’ fresh ALBC Swag Support the pod and smash this link Cult awareness and recovery resources Watch Sarah’s TEDTalk CREDITS: Executive Producers: Sarah Edmondson & Anthony Ames Production Partner: Citizens of Sound Producer: Will Retherford Writer & Co-Creator: Jess Tardy Theme Song: “Cultivated” by Jon Bryant co-written with Nygel Asselin