020 = Filling Up and Falling Down

Score! It's episode 020 of A Problem Squared, Filling Up and Falling Down!     In this episode...   Can we solve global warming by diluting the atmosphere? What's the funniest way to fall down without hurting yourself?  Plus: The answer to last month's A Pudding Squared, and a final word on Arctic Krill.    As always, if you've got a problem or a solution, hit us up on our website www.aproblemsquared.com, or on social media. You can find Matt's favourite mascot fail here: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=v-Zph323Dos For full (en)closure, the solution to the most recent A Pudding Squared, is right here: https://twitter.com/Hellcat_Mama/status/1400053063012995073?s=08  

Om Podcasten

Matt Parker and Bec Hill present: A Problem Squared. A podcast dedicated to solving problems of all kinds, such as, "What should I listen to right now?". A Podcast Squared. First one's free. You're welcome.