The Smiley Face Killers

SOMEONE OR some group has figured out a process for abducting and disposing of more than a hundred healthy young men in the U.S., U.K., and Europe over the last twenty years. The victims are found in bodies of water, but not drowned, and many were found with a smiley face symbol painted or carved on a surface nearby. William Ramsey, producer/director of the documentary The Smiley Face Killers, joins us to discuss the occult connections behind this disturbing series of deaths. Click here to watch The Smiley Face Killers at Vimeo.

Om Podcasten

Derek P. Gilbert hosts A View From the Bunker. He’s also the host of the daily news commentary program Five in Ten for SkyWatchTV, and co-host of the weekly video programs SciFriday and Unraveling Revelation with his wife, author and analyst Sharon K. Gilbert. He’s been interviewing guests A View from the Bunker since 2009. Derek is a Christian, a husband and father, and the author of the groundbreaking books The Second Coming of Saturn, Bad Moon Rising, The Great Inception, and Last Clash of the Titans. He’s also the co-author with Sharon K. Gilbert of Veneration and Giants, Gods & Dragons, and with Josh Peck of The Day the Earth Stands Still, which documents the occult origins of “ancient aliens.” Derek is a popular speaker at conferences and churches on the topics of archaeology and end times prophecy. He's a lifelong fan of the Chicago Cubs, prefers glasses to contacts, and he’s been known to sing the high part in barbershop and gospel quartets.