S02E02 - NFTs and Metaverse. What is it and how are they related?

WTF is an NFT? Meta what? How much is that ape photo worth?! Why would I pay for it when I can see it for free? Money laundering, tracking wine, and for validating university diplomas? You mean it’s not just for music? It’s hard not to be a little curious on what all the buzz is about with NFTs all over the news and social media these days. Join Tobias and Alex as they explore these questions and more as they provide an overview of NFTs and share their knowledge and experience on this groundbreaking trend. This episode discusses NFTs, what they are, how they work, actual present day use cases and provides examples how people are profiting from this phenomenon. This is not intended for financial advice but more to help you get a fundamental understanding of this crypto alternative that is ascending in its' popularity. 

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A Series of discussions that covers a wide range of topics from to A-Z where we hope to share all the amazing lessons we’ve learned from the fortunate opportunities we’ve been able to curate in our lives. We will cover topics from personal development tactics, lessons in entrepreneurship, real estate investments, career advice, fitness hacks, gamifying goals, to Bitcoin, house flipping, Airbnb set up, travel, and much more. The mission is to capture and share all of life’s valuable lesson we’ve been lucky enough to learn and pay it forward so others get a glimpse of how we make magic happen