CentralReach “ABA On Call” Season 4 Ep. 7 - Revisiting Kohn and Punished by Rewards

In 1993 Alfie's Kohn's Punished by Rewards (PBR) was published. The book claimed that behavioral principles and procedures manipulated people and destroyed the potential for authentic learning. The publication of PBR was met with enthusiasm by many in the educational and psychological fields. However, PBR contains many misrepresentations of positive reinforcement and punishment. Furthermore, the solutions offered in PBR are poorly aligned with robust procedures designed to change behavior proactively and reactively. The present episode discusses Kohn's treatise, highlights several claims made in the book, the impact it has had on teachers, clinicians, and businesses, as well as practical solutions for interacting with people who may be PBR adherents. To earn CEUs for listening, click here, log in or sign up, pay the CEU fee, + take the attendance verification to generate your certificate! Don’t forget to subscribe and follow and leave us a rating and review. Show Notes Resources   Table of contents and description of Punished by Rewards https://www.amazon.com/Punished-Rewards-Trouble-Incentive-Praise/dp/0618001816/ref=sr_1_1?gclid=CjwKCAjw3qGYBhBSEiwAcnTRLhfer5t9l7Nq2IG9SJhRxbML4x_5nescHo_OBD0wkJ5lat8LYZNImxoCw1QQAvD_BwE&hvadid=241890494106&hvdev=c&hvlocphy=1023946&hvnetw=g&hvqmt=e&hvrand=8279962347142375846&hvtargid=kwd-96092200&hydadcr=22538_10344877&keywords=punished+by+rewards&qid=1661536611&s=books&sr=1-1 Behavior analytic review of Published by Rewards https://www.researchgate.net/publication/47177268_Punished_by_Misunderstanding_A_Critical_Evaluation_of_Kohn's_Punished_by_Rewards_and_Its_Implications_for_Behavioral_Interventions_with_Children#:~:text=Alfie%20Kohn's%20Punished%20by%20Rewards,interventions%2C%20particularly%20those%20involving%20children.

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ABA on Call presented by CentralReach, explores the Applied Behavior Analysis/Healthcare Technology industries through thought-provoking conversation. Watch to explore ideas and trends in the field with renowned ABA experts, Rick Kubina Jr., Ph.D, BCBA-D & Doug Kostewicz, Ph.D, BCBA-D. Earn BACB CEUs to support your ongoing certification for Season 4 and future episodes.