Trustless Stablecoins💰, BTC on Ethereum ₿, DeRisking DeFi 🛡️
Topic 1: Trustless Stablecoins, after DAI?
- sUSD usage picked up (-> Curve Pool)
- RAI (MetaCoin/Reflexer) & iDOL (Lien.Finance): no over-collateralization + governance minimised
- Lien.Finance: 2 synthetic assets to "crystalise" inertia (SBT) and volatility (LBT)
- MetaCoin - uses Reflex Bonds to deliver a "more stable" version of ETH then used as collateral for a stablecoin (RAI)
Topic 2: BTC on Ethereum?
- - Dashboard
- wBTC picks up traction (1000 BTC eq minted by a whale) - usable as collateral in Maker since May 03.
- tBTC launches & then shuts down (relaunching soon)
- wBTC picks up traction (1000 BTC eq minted by a whale)
- RenBTC? + Pool (with wBTC) BTC++ on Katana
Topic 3: UNISWAP v2 & DeRisking DeFi: Guarded Launches
- Risk Management is a Killer Feature
- Guarded Launches: Protecting Users with Limits
- Examples - Maker, Compound & Uniswap