AI Leaders Podcast #66: Gen AI and Data Privacy: A Dive into Confidential Computing

In this insightful conversation, we explore how Gen AI, confidential computing and multi-party computation are transforming data sharing and privacy. Join Teresa Tung, Data Capability Lead at Accenture, along Raluca Ada Popa, Co-founder and President at Opaque Systems, and Rishabh Poddar, Co-founder and CTO. Discover how these technologies are breaking down barriers, fostering innovation, and creating new possibilities in data-driven industries.  

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The Accenture AI Leaders Podcast series takes a closer look at industry trends, opportunities, and challenges related to AI, analytics, and data that are top of mind for CDOs, CAOs, and CIOs from leading organizations across the world. Listen in as these leaders talk one-on-one about their experiences driving AI-powered initiatives across their organizations.