287: Open-Faced Compliment Sandwich
- Follow-up:
- Model 3 software update for the right jog wheel
- Printing PDFs from Photos by ⌥-clicking the
Buy Book
button - Backblaze
- Data retention
- Backing up a NAS using AutoMounter
- Dock auto-hide delay
defaults write com.apple.dock autohide-time-modifier -int 0
defaults write com.apple.dock autohide-delay -int 0
- Marco reviews his 2018 13" MacBook Pro
- Fall laptop predictions
:- Why isn't there a RSS-like thing for video?
- Why trust the cloud at all if we can't have future-proof encryption?
- Which macOS feature gets 🌆 first? (via Marc Edwards)
- Post-show: 🐝
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