Cyberpunk RED - E4 - 3 Affordable Cyber-Implants for Dad, #2 will SHOCK YOU
They've inquired, acquired, and now retire to their sweet new digs--at least, after a quick trip to the market. But a trip for groceries is interrupted by some gonk-ahh behavior, and the band's sweet gig might not be as much of a sure thing as it used to be. Arman Drang, Corpo (Fixer). Played by Jerry Holkins, @TychoBrahe Jam Darkmagic, Rockerboy. Played by Mike Krahulik, @cwgabriel Silk Road (SR), Nomad. Played by Jasmine Bhullar, @ThatBronzeGirl Nova Arya, Rockerboy / Netrunner. Played by Noura Ibrahim, @nouralogical DM: Mike Pondsmith, @RTalsorianGames.