Cyberpunk RED - E1 - €$1 vs €$5B Battle of the Corpo Bands: Worth it???
Armin Drang may be new to the scene, but he and his band, Neo-Retro (subject to change) the first polymorphic band to hit Night City, are already well-known. Do they have what it takes to take on the music industry of the dark future, or will the headliner LOVETHEBEAST chew them up and spit them out? Arman Drang, Corpo (Fixer). Played by Jerry Holkins, @TychoBrahe Jam Darkmagic, Rockerboy. Played by Mike Krahulik, @cwgabriel Silk Road (SR), Nomad. Played by Jasmine Bhullar, @ThatBronzeGirl Nova Arya, Rockerboy / Netrunner. Played by Noura Ibrahim, @nouralogical DM: Mike Pondsmith, @RTalsorianGames.