How To Overcome Your Trauma To Start The Healing Process With Shelley Henk

Buckle up for this one doll!! My guest today has been through some devastating times in her life.  Trauma has been part of her world since she was young, as she witnessed her father taking his own life, went through the death of her boyfriend from a tragic car accident, was in 2 abusive relationships, and struggled with PTSD as a nurse.  To say she is an overcomer, is an understatement.  In this episode, she is going to share exactly how she got through these situations and how you can too, if you are struggling right now.   Trauma has been part of life, as Shelley knows it first hand, but we all have choice in the end, to heal, or to live in it.  Faith has played a major part of her healing process and she believes that if you learn how to let go and hold on, you will be able to turn your pain into your purpose.  I am so excited for you to listen in! Connect with Shelley on Facebook: For more ways to get addicted to climbing higher, grab your copy of my new book! Thank you for being here and connect with me inside my private sisterhood on Facebook here!      

Om Podcasten

This is your GO-TO podcast for Christian women who are ready to stop making excuses and begin to CLIMB higher in FAITH, FITNESS, HEALTH, and MINDSET. Do you want to grow in faith, courage, and strength so when you face life's battles, you are fully equipped, God's way? Are you tired of doing everything your way and not seeing the results you dream about? Do you wish you had a faith fueled community of friends who encourage you and cheer for you along your journey? Are you ready to conquer your fears so you can grow into the woman God created you to be? There IS a way, and God has a plan for you! Welcome to Addicted To The Climb! Hi! I am Kelley Tyan, a leading faith fueled women's coach, podcaster, best selling author, speaker, and breast cancer survivor. I am going to help you to get addicted to climbing higher in your faith, fitness, and mindset so you can start living the life God has in store for you, which is purposeful, meaningful, and happy! Each week you will hear real conversations and hear my personal stories that will help you shift from why me, to watch me! You will become more energized, inspired, and ready to face your mountains with more faith, more grace, and a determination to never stop climbing. No one succeeds alone so welcome to the Addicted to the Climb Community! Don't forget to subscribe, leave me a review, and share an episode with a friend! You can find me at, @kelleytyan, and on Facebook and Linkedin at Kelley Tyan.