How YOU Can Start To Age Backwards Because Your Future Is NOW! With Lisa (Lou Fitness) Arendell

Have you ever found yourself hearing a prognosis or diagnosis from your doctor and thinking, "it is what it is?"   EPISODE SHOW NOTES: Today's guest and my friend, Lisa "Lou Fitness" Arendell has heard too many times that, this is it, and she was NOT having it! From being diagnosed with hashimotos, to thinking she needed knee replacements, to having congenital heart defects, to having insomnia plague her most of her life.... Talk about feeling defeated?  NOT LISA!   Lisa has made it her passion and career to helping women learn, discover, and uncover her secrets to aging backwards and she wants the whole world to know! She believes that life can just get started over 40 and now is the best time to start implementing new healthy practices and habits that can truly reverse what you thought was a curse! ABOUT LISA: 30+ years in the health and fitness industry Mom and wife and former 2X gym owner Nutrition coach and personal trainer Alternate for NBC's Dancing with Myself CONNECT with Lisa about her "waitlist" and new program coming! Go to her IG and DM waitlist.  Instagram ALL THINGS KELLEY Want to work together? Download my free ebook of 7 Power Statements and Bible verses to show you who you really are>> CLICK HERE Grab the book, Addicted to the Climb >> CLICK HERE MEET ME ON SOCIAL: Linkedin Instagram Facebook

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This is your GO-TO podcast for Christian women who are ready to stop making excuses and begin to CLIMB higher in FAITH, FITNESS, HEALTH, and MINDSET. Do you want to grow in faith, courage, and strength so when you face life's battles, you are fully equipped, God's way? Are you tired of doing everything your way and not seeing the results you dream about? Do you wish you had a faith fueled community of friends who encourage you and cheer for you along your journey? Are you ready to conquer your fears so you can grow into the woman God created you to be? There IS a way, and God has a plan for you! Welcome to Addicted To The Climb! Hi! I am Kelley Tyan, a leading faith fueled women's coach, podcaster, best selling author, speaker, and breast cancer survivor. I am going to help you to get addicted to climbing higher in your faith, fitness, and mindset so you can start living the life God has in store for you, which is purposeful, meaningful, and happy! Each week you will hear real conversations and hear my personal stories that will help you shift from why me, to watch me! You will become more energized, inspired, and ready to face your mountains with more faith, more grace, and a determination to never stop climbing. No one succeeds alone so welcome to the Addicted to the Climb Community! Don't forget to subscribe, leave me a review, and share an episode with a friend! You can find me at, @kelleytyan, and on Facebook and Linkedin at Kelley Tyan.