4 Stages of Alcoholism

Alcoholism, or Alcohol use disorder, is a brain disorder that impairs your ability to stop or control your drinking. Welcome to our first 30 Days to Fast Track Your Recovery series where each week for the next 30 days I’m dropping an extra episode to answer some of the most confusing questions about this crazy alcohol issue we’re dealing with. Today we’re talking about the stages of alcoholism to help you get clarity on yourself, and your habits, so that you can stop screwing around and get the support you want. Alcoholism develops gradually and symptoms range from mild to severe, depending on what stage you’re in. If you’re asking yourself: * what the heck is happening to me * do I have to quit forever or can I moderate ...you’re in the right place. We’re going to talk about different stages of drinking, how it works, and when you cross the line where attempts to moderate your drinking are going to be a waste of time and energy. It is important to know the signs so that you can accurately gauge where you are in the process and, hopefully, it will help you out of any denial that’s keeping you from getting help and getting in recovery. Don't forget to sign up for the 30 Days to Fast Track Your Recovery series and all the resources I'm sharing to help you understand your journey, and what to do to get help.   Links mentioned in this episode:  30 Days to Fast Track Your Recovery: https://addictionunlimited.com/fasttrack Facebook Group: https://www.facebook.com/groups/addictionunlimited Want to work with Angela? Book A Call Here : addictionunlimited.com/call   Rate, Review, & Follow on Apple Podcasts “I love Angela & Addiction Unlimited Podcast.” <– If that sounds like you, please consider rating and reviewing my show! This helps me support more people — just like you — to keep moving forward to the recovery lifestyle they want.  Click here, scroll to the bottom, tap to rate with five stars, and select “Write a Review.” Then be sure to let me know what you loved most about the episode!

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Have you ever wished you had a personal Coach with more than a decade of experience giving you all the secrets to living a happy life? You're in the right place with the top-ranked Addiction Unlimited podcast with Professional Coach, ex party-girl turned savvy sober entrepreneur, Angela Pugh. Her expertise? Giving you simple, actionable steps to turn your life around with a no BS approach. Can you *really* change your life, get sober, have a healthy relationship, and the job of your dreams? Absolutely. Week after week you'll get quick tips, coping strategies, life hacks, and inspiring stories that can help you create the life you deserve.