Dennis Berry of Funky Brain Podcast

It's a hundred miles into the forest, and a hundred miles out. Sometimes it feels like it takes forever to get relief in sobriety. You want relief from the pain and you want it as quickly as possible. You see other people who look like they are thriving sober, they seem happy, they're smiling and laughing, but you aren't feeling any of that. Dennis Berry, from The Funky Brain Podcast, breaks it down in this episode. He talks about the journey of sobriety and how you have to rewire your thought process for success in sobriety. Your brain has been conditioned for the instant gratification that alcohol and drugs provide, and the moment it feels uncomfortable you automatically go for the substance to make the feeling go away. In recovery, you have to rewire your thinking for the long game. It took a long time to get to the level of drinking that I go to. It just makes sense that my recovery would take awhile, too. It's a hundred miles into the forest, and a hundred miles out.

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