How To Forgive Yourself

You can't drive your car looking in the rearview mirror so why do you live your life that way? If you want to move forward and create a new life, you have to look forward. In this episode, I'm bringing you a BIG solution to a BIG problem. It's big solution because it is so necessary for success in this journey. Not only the recovery journey, but the life journey! I KNOW IT'S NOT EASY. But it's totally worth the effort. Bottom line: Forgiving yourself helps you build self-esteem, trust with yourself, and creates self-respect.  AND - if you are working on forgiveness and acceptance on a regular basis, you won't have to work as hard when poo hits the fan. Meaning, it's easier to get quick relief when you are practicing healthy actions daily. So no more excuses. Let's do this. Trust me when I say, this could be the biggest game-changer for your sobriety. And to help you make a commitment to action, I'm giving you a step-by-step process to follow that breaks down a system and tells you exactly how to get started. If this was easy, everyone would do it and stay sober the first time they tried. You are with me right now because you want something more for your life. And, forgiving yourself is a foundation piece that is a must to grow your recovery. It doesn't happen overnight, but if you start taking action TODAY, I promise you great things can happen. Join us in the Dry January Kickstarter: A 30-Day Bootcamp

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Have you ever wished you had a personal Coach with more than a decade of experience giving you all the secrets to living a happy life? You're in the right place with the top-ranked Addiction Unlimited podcast with Professional Coach, ex party-girl turned savvy sober entrepreneur, Angela Pugh. Her expertise? Giving you simple, actionable steps to turn your life around with a no BS approach. Can you *really* change your life, get sober, have a healthy relationship, and the job of your dreams? Absolutely. Week after week you'll get quick tips, coping strategies, life hacks, and inspiring stories that can help you create the life you deserve.