Strategies You Need To Turn The Tables On Wine O’Clock

Wine O'Clock A successful recovery has everything to do with how you plan your day and approach your challenges. Imagine this scenario: You've been alcohol-free for a minute, and you really want to continue waking up without a hangover and having a clear head. You're getting through the days, you're on track, and overall, you're feeling pretty proud of your accomplishment. But let’s be real -- you’re also feeling a little bit burnt out from pouring every ounce of your energy into fighting cravings, and some things are starting to slip because… you’re human. Maybe you’re packing your days so tight that you have absolutely no room to think about wine, or you’re struggling to focus on the day in front of you because your mind is constantly going into future things and stressing about upcoming events. Or maybe, you're just feeling overwhelmed and lost, and have no idea what the heck to do. Sound familiar? I don’t know about you, but I definitely had a 'witching hour' when I would get a little frazzled and start to lose focus on the goals and intentions I set for myself and my new life. And if you’ve been a listener for some time, you probably know that having a plan in place sets the tone for my entire life -- and if I want to be successful in my intentions,  I keep my plans front and center. Even if they just stare at me blankly as I daydream about a nap. In this episode, I’m sharing powerful strategies you can do to avoid getting sucked down the rabbit hole of wine o'clock so that you can stay on top of your game and move forward with a clear mind and a grateful heart that you didn't give in to the craving and wreck all the good progress you've made. It’s time to tighten up, my friend -- are you ready? Book a call with me here. Join the Facebook group here. 

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