469- The College Application Guide for Neurodivergent Students

Laura Barr, M.Ed., counsels caregivers and neurodivergent college-bound students on factors to consider during a college search and how to make the process much less stressful for applicants with executive functioning challenges. Free Resources on ADHD in College: Download: Securing ADHD Accommodations in College Read: The College Packing List for ADHD Undergrads Read: 13 Survival Tips from College Graduates with ADHD Access the video and slides for this episode here: https://www.additudemag.com/webinar/college-applications-guide-neurodivergent-students-adhd/ Thank you for listening to ADDitude's ADHD Experts podcast. Please consider subscribing to the magazine (additu.de/subscribe) to support our mission of providing ADHD education and support.

Om Podcasten

Leading ADHD experts give real-life answers to questions submitted by ADD adults and parents raising children with attention deficit disorder across a range of topics covering symptoms, school, work, and family life. Download the accompanying slide presentations here: additudemag.com/adhd-expert-webinars-index (look for the episode number). Note on audio quality: This podcast is a recording of a webinar series, and the audio has been captured from conversations recorded via a computer or telephone, not in a studio. Register to participate in the live webinars at: additudemag.com/tag/webinar.