
We caught up with Scott who is a host of The Adoption and Fostering Podcast, Scott has sat on a number of adoption panels and was able to shed some light on what to expect at the panel.    Panel can be super scary, but hopefully, in this episode you will find out all of the reasons why you need not panic!! :-)    If you have any questions that you would like to ask then drop us an email on or on our social media which is:  Facebook and Insta - Adoption.Adventures  Twitter - AdoptionAdvent1   You can also find the adoption and fostering podcast on all podcast providers, they have some amazing guests on their podcast and delve into some amazing topics too. Their Twitter is: @Adoption_pcast

Om Podcasten

This is a podcast all about our adoption journey, the highs, the lows and the bits in between. I will share our experiences and discuss general life as well as specifics. In time I will look to answer questions and support other adopters.