Splitting the adoption leave and how to chat with children in the family

A listener has asked me what I thought about splitting the adoption leave up and how this could work with our children. They have also asked about how to talk with other children in the family about adoption. Great topics! So, here are my thoughts.    Here is the link to the book I mention: https://corambaaf.org.uk/books/adopting-brother-or-sister?gclid=CjwKCAiAv4n9BRA9EiwA30WNDzdM1xXJvxidHvc15J3IPdtjU4-ZthQ0f5SlrZnIl-HrB-sWsPaDHxoCV_kQAvD_BwE   Drop us a message any time on our social media:    Facebook or Insta - Adoption.Adventures  Twitter - AdoptionAdvent1 Email - adoptionadventures123@gmail.com 

Om Podcasten

This is a podcast all about our adoption journey, the highs, the lows and the bits in between. I will share our experiences and discuss general life as well as specifics. In time I will look to answer questions and support other adopters.