Snowflakes Babies: Rodney and Mary Leah Share Their Embryo Adoption Story [S7E23]

Rodney and Mary Leah are both attorneys in Alabama. For ten years, they walked the journey of infertility before welcoming twins, Dalton and Mary Elizabeth, through Snowflakes Embryo Adoption Program.  They also serve on the board of Carrywell, a non-profit that helps couples walking through infertility, miscarriage and infant loss through groups and grants. They are passionate about helping families through grief and healing as couples explore other options into parenthood. This episode is so inspiring for those interested and wanting to learn more about how the embryo adoption process works. 

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Real stories about the joys and challenges of the adoption journey. You'll hear from parents and families who've been through infant and international adoption, foster-to-adopt, and even embryo adoption. These inspiring stories are told from the perspective of the adoptee, birth parent or adoptive parent.