Invisible Threats: Discovering, Tracking and Mitigating Vulnerabilities

Vulnerabilities are the unlocked doors allowing adversaries a foothold into your organization. Left unpatched, they provide an entryway for intruders to break in, move laterally and wreak havoc. This episode shares everything you want to know about vulnerability intelligence: What types of vulnerabilities are most common? How should organizations prioritize patching? What is an n-day flaw? Learn the answers to these questions, and more, from Adam, Cristian, and special guest Nina Padavil, Solutions Engineer and Threat Advisor at CrowdStrike. Learn more about External Attack Surface Management challenges and recommendations: Read CrowdStrike's latest blog covering how External Attack Surface Management enhances Cloud security:  

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Modern adversaries are relentless. Today’s threat actors target organizations around the world with sophisticated cyberattacks. Who are they? What are they after? And most importantly, how can you defend against them? Welcome to the Adversary Universe podcast, where CrowdStrike answers all of these questions — and more. Join our hosts, a pioneer in adversary intelligence and a specialist in cybersecurity technology, as they unmask the threat actors targeting your organization.