Affiliate Marketing Intro and Amazon Associates – DS001

Our hero tells us about affiliate marketing and provides a high-level overview of starting an Amazon Affiliate Site. Doug’s wife, Elizabeth, joins him to chat about the new year, resolutions, and the lack thereof, and Georgie makes an appearance by squeaking her new toy. There’s a Q&A segment too! Doug answers these questions that were sent in. Should I start an Amazon Affiliate Site How much do Amazon Affiliate Sites Earn? You can download the process as Doug describes it — here — just click the green button and enter your name and email address. You’ll get an email with a link so you can download a PDF with many more details.    

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The Doug Show is where I’ll talk to other marketers, side hustlers, & experts, share success stories, talk about making the leap from corporate worker bee to entrepreneur. We'll go deep on affiliate marketing, side hustles, SEO, entrepreneurship, management, and working online.