Mastering Zero-Based Budgeting - MyBudgetCoach - Zach Whelchel - DS540

Doug interviews software developer and entrepreneur Zach Welchel. Zach shares his journey from leaving a corporate job to founding ‘My Budget Coach,’ a company that helps people manage their finances through zero-based budgeting with the support of a coach. They also talk about the technical aspects of budgeting apps and the importance of intentional spending. Zach explains the unique approach of ‘My Budget Coach,’ which combines digital avatars with real-life coaching to make budgeting accessible and personalized. Connect with Zach: MyBudgetCoach Youtube Facebook Instagram   DS540 Transcript More with Doug: Mile High Fi Contact me. Ask Questions! Send me an email here: Leave a voicemail: (406) 813-0613

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The Doug Show is where I’ll talk to other marketers, side hustlers, & experts, share success stories, talk about making the leap from corporate worker bee to entrepreneur. We'll go deep on affiliate marketing, side hustles, SEO, entrepreneurship, management, and working online.