Productivity and Nootropics with Adam Greenfeld from Find My Formula – DS051

I talk to Adam Greenfeld, from Find My Formula, about all sorts of things related to being more productive and happy. I’m a customer and affiliate of Find My Formula so you can get a 20% DISCOUNT with my coupon code, DOUG. Check it out here. Just do the short survey and you’ll get your Formula. I get a commission if you use my link and you’ll save. I’ll get more Nootropics and create more kick-ass content for you. Adam mentioned a few references… Movies: Lucy, Limitless Matt Walker about Sleep, Joe Rogan (on YouTube) Wim Hof – Breathing (on YouTube) Contact me. Ask Questions! Send me an email here: Leave a voicemail: (406) 813-0613

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The Doug Show is where I’ll talk to other marketers, side hustlers, & experts, share success stories, talk about making the leap from corporate worker bee to entrepreneur. We'll go deep on affiliate marketing, side hustles, SEO, entrepreneurship, management, and working online.