Ep 04: Philippe Gauguier, ssocié et Co-directeur du département Conseil Tourisme, Culture & Hôtellerie, In Extenso

Podcast FIHA 2020 avec Philippe Gauguier, associé au cabinet de conseil InExtenso, sur les tendances encourageantes des marques hôtelières économiques, les conditions d’investissement en Afrique et l’accroissement de la collaboration économique entre diffèrent pays du continent.   FIHA 2020 podcast with Philippe Gauguier, an Associate of the consultancy InExtenso, focusing on the encouraging trends of economy hotel brands, the investment conditions in Africa and the growth of economic collaboration between different countries on the continent.   

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The official podcast of AHIF, which is attended by the highest calibre international hotel investors of any conference in Africa. It is the only annual hotel investment conference that connects business leaders from the international and local markets, driving investment into tourism projects, infrastructure and hotel development across Africa.