Ep. 2: John Mirenge, CEO of RwandAir, talks to Matthew Weihs

John Mirenge is the CEO of RwandAir, currently transporting half a million passengers worldwide.  Bench Events MD, Matthew Weihs, records his second podcast in Kigali, Rwanda, with Mr Mirenge to talk over some of the following points: Growing 5 fold in the last 5 years The race to a million passengers by 2018 Competing with other large scale African airline carriers African business travel into China Development and improvements within the current airport and new airports The increased number of hotels in Kigali   Mr Mirenge also states that the coming of the Africa Hotel Investment Forum (AHIF) to Kigali in 2016 is timed perfectly and will be one of the best things to happen to Rwanda.  Information on AHIF can be found at www.africa-conference.com.    

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The official podcast of AHIF, which is attended by the highest calibre international hotel investors of any conference in Africa. It is the only annual hotel investment conference that connects business leaders from the international and local markets, driving investment into tourism projects, infrastructure and hotel development across Africa.