Hello again... also, Beatles or Stones?

It's been six months since After the Deluge finished. (!) This is a quick check-in along with a couple of announcements about the series getting picked up by the Pantheon Pantheon Podcast Network and the launch of a new 10-episode series I'm doing with my friend Ryan Page (a guest on two episodes of After the Deluge). It's called Beatles vs. Stones, Year by Year and I bet you'll enjoy it. Subscribe to Beatles vs. Stones show on any podcast app and share it widely! Connect with me on Twitter at @routinelayup.

Om Podcasten

A deep dive through the entire Jackson Browne discography starting with his first five albums, which I believe represent one of the best five-album runs by any artist ever. Each episode is built upon an interview with a different musician or writer close to Jackson Browne’s music. Follow host, Justin Cox, at https://twitter.com/routinelayup This show is part of Pantheon Podcasts.