#54. Gentle Parenting, Grace-Based Parenting, and Discipline: Part 2 | To Spank or Not to Spank and Do We Parent Differently If Our Children Are Saved?

At last we utter the controversial word... spank! Do we have to do it? Why or when would we do it? Also, do we parent our children differently when they become saved? We'll talk about this and more in part 2 of our gentle parenting series!Congrats to our giveaway winners Sarah Burge, Kim Dainsberg, Hayley Lloyd, and Brittany Zajac!Scriptures Referenced: Matthew 7:23Jeremiah 17:8-9Proverbs 22:15Ephesians 6:1-4Galatians 1:101 Corinthians 14:33Colossians 2:8

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So much of what we do as mothers is on repeat. Join us to redeem this repetition and untangle from the confusion and overwhelm of parenting. We'll follow the Agains in the Bible to focus on the things that matter most. Let's look up together to embrace a motherhood full of freedom and joy! This podcast is sponsored by Entrusted Ministries.