#68. Ears, Tummies, and Throats, Oh My!: Tried and True Natural Solutions You Can Stand By

Are you and your kids fighting wintertime sickness? We hope you're staying healthy, but even if you are, these tips are worth sticking in your back pocket for later! As Christian moms we want to care for our children well, feel comfortable with the remedies we provide... and sometimes even save ourselves a trip out in the bitter cold to sit in a doctor's office and expose our children to more germs! Try some of these tips to see if you can naturally ease your child's discomfort, but of course turn to the experts when it's needed. Stay warm, Mama!(This episode contains solutions we ourselves have tried and had success with, but we encourage you to seek professional medical help when issues go beyond mild symptoms or when they are frequent and recurring.)

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So much of what we do as mothers is on repeat. Join us to redeem this repetition and untangle from the confusion and overwhelm of parenting. We'll follow the Agains in the Bible to focus on the things that matter most. Let's look up together to embrace a motherhood full of freedom and joy! This podcast is sponsored by Entrusted Ministries.