A Summer Blessing: A Liturgy of Intentionality and Joyfulness

In this episode, Stephanie prays a blessing over your summer. This is for the mamas with toddlers and the mamas with teens! Listen with your kids or alone, but give us a moment to bless your sunny season! And don't forget to listen to... Episode 7: Untangling Our Commitment to the Wordfor incredibly practical tips to prioritize Scripture... even when the kids are swarming around you!

Om Podcasten

So much of what we do as mothers is on repeat. Join us to redeem this repetition and untangle from the confusion and overwhelm of parenting. We'll follow the Agains in the Bible to focus on the things that matter most. Let's look up together to embrace a motherhood full of freedom and joy! This podcast is sponsored by Entrusted Ministries.