Repeating Yourself Again and Again? You might need the "Every Day Before You Say Chart"!

One of our least favorite agains as mothers: repeating ourselves again and again! Enter the "Every Day Before You Say Chart"! This resource is incredibly practical and effective at helping children develop godly disciplines, habits, and routines. It is an easily-manageable system that guides your children in developing initiative. Christian parents will be happy to learn that this is sooo much more than a chore chart. Listen in to hear Betsy and Stephanie explain the heart behind it, and then head to the Entrusted Ministries website to learn more. This printed resource will be available beginning Black Friday for a limited time, so be ready to get your printed pack of charts!Scriptures mentioned:Hebrews 11:6Daniel 3: 16-18Proverbs 6:6-8

Om Podcasten

So much of what we do as mothers is on repeat. Join us to redeem this repetition and untangle from the confusion and overwhelm of parenting. We'll follow the Agains in the Bible to focus on the things that matter most. Let's look up together to embrace a motherhood full of freedom and joy! This podcast is sponsored by Entrusted Ministries.