That Episode You Released On That Topic You Need A Big Tune-Up In: Self-Care

We don't claim to have it all together--and this is one topic we need to be reminded of too! Whether it's a busy season that is taking us by storm, needing to reevaluate priorities and commitments, or just wrapping up the school year well, the topic of self-care can be a convicting one! Christian moms are called to serve, but where does it end? When is it to sacrificial? There are some truly discerning words in this discussion between Emily, Jen, and Stephanie. We hope you are guided to some solutions with the right heart and for His glory! May this lighten your load and increase your joy in the Savior!

Om Podcasten

So much of what we do as mothers is on repeat. Join us to redeem this repetition and untangle from the confusion and overwhelm of parenting. We'll follow the Agains in the Bible to focus on the things that matter most. Let's look up together to embrace a motherhood full of freedom and joy! This podcast is sponsored by Entrusted Ministries.