Account Growth - The AI review special

This one-off episode of Agency Thinking brings NotebookLM's nascent abilities to bear on a review of one of my agency guides - 'Account growth for savvy Account Handlers'. Created as a way of test-driving NotebookLM, it actually worked out to be a useful and engaging 'podcast' - have a listen.

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Welcome to Agency Thinking, conversations around all things creative and marketing agency: working in them, working for them, leaving them to do your own thing, starting or rebooting an agency ... and more. In Season 1 we talked through the areas that co-host Dave needed to address, to launch his content consultancy. Season 2 sees me chat with compadres who work with agencies: e.g creative, tech, pm, planning partners: how does the ecosystem work and what can that teach agencies? Agency Thinking is brought to you by agency growth coach Mark Kelly. Season 1 was produced by Word and Mouth.