AI Diagnoses Diseases Accurately, Apple Dominates AI-PC Market, Google Wallet Introduces New Feature, AMD Acquires Silo AI, and more...

(0:10): Revolutionary AI Diagnoses Diseases with 98% Accuracy Using Tongue Color Analysis(2:02): Apple Leads AI-PC Revolution: 60% Market Share in Q2 2024, Future Shipments to Soar(4:15): Google Wallet Unveils 'Everything Else' Feature for Digital Passes with AI-Powered Enhancements(6:04): AMD Acquires Silo AI for $665M to Boost AI Capabilities and Compete in High-Performance Computing(8:24): Opera One Launches AI-Powered Browser for iOS with Built-In VPN and Ad BlockerTo subscribe visit more updates in your inbox each morning visit Image credit: TweakTown

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