Ian Bicking: Open Source Guru and author to Mozilla Voice

Our guest this week on 26.1 AI Podcast is the long time Open Source Guru Ian Bicking. If you a Python developer and ever typed "pip" at the command line you can thank Ian. On this episode, he speaks on the "more humane" interaction with the AI words, with our voice. How long will it be before AI can be emotionally manipulative with Voice? Will we democratize the data like Mozilla did with Common Voice?

Om Podcasten

Don Sheu and Brian Ray are friends with one mission: a podcast that covers interesting topics in AI. Don is a dotcom era flameout who was reborn in tech building Seattle's largest tech community; Brian is tech leader known globally as Python Engineer, Data Scientist, and AI Cloud expert. They have joined forces and are interviewing the most interesting practitioners in an emerging AI Space.