Michel Lopez founder and CEO of e2f shares with listeners the challenges of collecting voice data

Our guest for this episode shares with us the challenges their firm e2f faces when collecting data for training voice AI applications. Michel Lopez started early on and researched AI and taught the subject in Saudi Arabia and Thailand before the advent of cloud. Instead of practicing AI following teaching, he took a left turn into applying his multilingual skills to performing translations for technology companies. Serendipity brought Michel a new opportunity when a translation customer asked for help collecting voice data. Voice is our computational interaction for the future. Take a peek on how we're getting to this future in this latest episode of 26.1 AI Podcast

Om Podcasten

Don Sheu and Brian Ray are friends with one mission: a podcast that covers interesting topics in AI. Don is a dotcom era flameout who was reborn in tech building Seattle's largest tech community; Brian is tech leader known globally as Python Engineer, Data Scientist, and AI Cloud expert. They have joined forces and are interviewing the most interesting practitioners in an emerging AI Space.